Sebelum saya tamatkan pengajian di universiti tahun 2006, Saya pernah berjanji dgn Si dia yg saya ingin postkan entry mengenai dia satu hari nanti saya jika mempunyai blog. Saya tak tahu si dia masih ingat lagi ke tak janji2 saya. Tapi selepas kami berpisah, sepanjang 4 tahun yg lalu, dah lebih 100 helai kertas contengan saya mencari ayat ayat yg sesuai untuk menceritakan tentang dirinya . Saya harap, kali ini, janji saya kepada dia tertunai.
1. Adrina. She is very good is spelling , dia umpama kamus bergerak saya. kekeke
2. Susah nk discribe ayat mana yg sesuai untuk menjelaskan persahabatan kami. sebab kami prefer utk jadi lone ranger masa zaman unitversiti dulu. Tapi bila saya pelukan teman , memang dia yg terlintas di kepala saya . walau macam mana sibuk pon dia, dia pasti meluangkan masa bersama saya.
3. Saya bertemu dengan dia bila pertama kali saya menjejakkan kaki ke USM.Masa Kami 1st year, kami berkongsi bilik dgn dua lagi senior. Nak jadi rezeki bila kami final year kami dapat bilik yg sama. yg best bilik tu untuk kami berdua jer...
4. Di kalangan kawan kawan, dia dikenali dgn nama 'ein', tapi saya suka ajuk nama dia ajirnnaaa... and dia ajuk saya balik as apidaaaaa.... huhuhu..
5. We both share the same hobby . Shopping!!.. i still remember 1 of her favorite words , 'aku semakin boring ngan baju baju aku'.. and saya reply , 'aku pon'.. within 10 min we get dress and went to The Mall , at Butterworth . hahaha...kalau kami rajin sket. Gurney plaza kat batu ferringgi pon kami terjah!! . and the most important think before we go back to campus, we stop at secret recipe Juru, to bought choc mud cake. yummy!!!...
6.Once, I make her in pain . We use to have our dinner together outside the campus. I prefer to complete my assigment before we having our dinner. One night, With out knowing her , i keep her waiting me to complete my task. after makan, perut dia masuk angin, and she cry..!!.. kalau di ingatkan balik, rase sangat2 menyesal biarkan dia menunggu,ein, if u read this, so sorry dear~
7. Ajrinna is beautiful at her own way . All of my family like her so much
8.We always celebrate our birthday together . sebabnya, birthday kami selang sehari jer, birthday dia 21st July, birthday saya 23rd july.. so 22nd July is the day we celebrate birthday together... tiap tiap tahun ada je aktiviti best kami nk celebrate birthday, yg paling best masa final year la... pi theme park tengahari buta!!
9.Masa di hujung semester, saya menghadapi konflik yg sgt hebat dgn org2 sekeliling sehinggakan sy mengasingkan diri dari rakan2 lain. Dialah peneman saya semasa saya sangat down .Dia jugalah yg menceriakan hari hari penghujung zaman universiti saya.
10. Masa cepat sangat berlalu, After 4 years, she now became a wife, a mommy to be, and a mature woman.. we have follow our own path in life ... she now work and settle down at her hometown in miri, and i'm not remember when is the last day we meet each other.
11. I never told her that how blessed i am to meet her. her friendship coloured my campus life... but i hope she is having a wonderful birthday yesterday with her beloved family .
11. I never told her that how blessed i am to meet her. her friendship coloured my campus life... but i hope she is having a wonderful birthday yesterday with her beloved family .
US. The last day we both together at our campus. Ein need to catch her flight at noon .
At bukit Merah laketown resort. The day we celebrate our 23rd birthday Together.
At the Center, Kila
Ein n kila like to help me with my business
At Her Wedding day..
saya x dapat datang sebab dah masa nk bersalin.. :( But the tudung she wear is present by me!
Ein The latest,
This pic taken by my hubby yg accidently meet her at miri... She is very hot mummy...
uh! jeles!~
bday aku, xbuat entry ponggg..haha
happy birthday..
hargai persahabatan yg terjalin.
jgn jadi seperti saya..
Ala pa'.. jgn la jeles..
aku janji aku akan buat entry khas special adiition utk ko bile ko kawen nanti!!! .. huhu
Mata hati,
pesal?? apa da jadi??
i remember seeing the 3 of you selalu jalan sama2. now evryone's life has totally changed but still the friendship remains kan?
hepi bday to ein and happy becoming a mommy (*-^)
eh lupe plak, hepi bday to u too apid. may ALlah bless you & your family :)
thanks yatie....
so sweet... frenship camni kan?
itu la pasal.. now masing2 da buat haluang masing2, and rindu ngat zaman muda2 doulu....
just membawa mesej persahabatan..
Apid... tq. terharu nyer. mcm nk menitik2 air mata. sedey+rindu teringat zaman2 dulu ;p.
aku still ingat psl ko nk buat tulis someting for me.
mmg i treasure n syg our friendship tau,wpun i xluahkan. aku slalu sangat ckp kt helmi " rindu mek dgn apid". u owez in my heart.
gmbr yg aku preg tu, haha lucu sgt. dgn pipi yg kembang btul n rmbut mcm baru bgn tdo je.
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