ok, this is some of the article that i chilok from there...
Golden Horse Cosmetics has a wide range of cosmetics products suitable for any type of skins.
It has been formulated 50 years ago since 1958 and is sold in more than ten Countries and favored by many women all over the world. 

Golden Horse Cosmetics has more than 50 years of practical experience to invent and continuous improvement by using formulas from Japan, France, America and Switzerland. The result is products of very excellence quality.
Products by Golden Horse Cosmetics is produced from natural resources and very kind to the skin. Nutritional substances and natural herbs, extracts of vegetables, fruits and flowers and a mixture of starch pearls are used to highlight the texture of your skin to look more bright and alive.
Nie Testimonials dari kak rose sendiri
Yup! I have been using Golden Horse Cosmetics Oily Skin Set for almost two weeks now. And, I’m happy that I did!
I always have problems with large skin pores which cause my complexion to appear dull and uneven. Yeah.. I have zits are too.
I’m satisfied that this product has minimize my skin pores and making my complexion looking much better and younger. 

Thanks Kak Rose !!
btw , nak baca lebih lanjut , just click here
congrates..may ur bisnes growth n successs ok:) bole banje lunch gathering..hiks
triple thumbs up!!
congrates fida!sy pun tgh dlm perbincangan dgn kak ros..nak wat advert gak..;)
tahniah.. moga segalanya berjalan lancar ye. semoga suksess juga!
atlast,congr8s dear =)
tahniah kak!moga sukses ye..=)
tahniah dear..semoga business you kencang dan dapat memenuhi kehendak wanita di luar sana....
product ni best! i penah pakai dulu...mmg hilang segala jerawat masa tu.. n baiki struktur kulit.
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